Legal Note

Important Legal Notes

In order to ensure the correct operation of our website and to offer a quality service, we set forth the following conditions that govern the use thereof.

The use of this site entails the acceptance of these conditions by the users, which they undertake to read carefully. The owner of this website reserves the right to modify, add or eliminate part of these conditions at any time, whereby it is important that the user read this text closely in the course of each visit, since modifications may occur.

Ownership of the website:

The owner of this website is the company Jasminn Hospitality Services Private Limited, with

Registered offices at:
3, Ruia Park, Juhu Beach,
Tel: +91 22 66934000
Fax: +91 22 66934777
Bearer of PAN Number: AAACR6079F

Description of the service:

This website offers information regarding the activity, products and services of the owner thereof.

Intellectual and Industrial Property:

The industrial and intellectual property rights relative to the elements appearing on this website, such as: trademarks, commercial names, logotypes, domain names, photographs, texts, etc., are the property of the owners of the website or third parties and are protected by national and international laws.

The unauthorized use of these elements (images, text, logos or any other material appearing on the web) such as the reproduction, publication, modification, addition, elimination or any other activity performed without the express authorization of the owner of the website will comprise the effective infringement of legislation on intellectual and industrial property, and any other laws applicable thereto.


The owner of the website reserves the possibility of making any modifications deemed advisable on the products or services offered on the website, without the need for prior notice.

The offers will be valid solely during the period established in the advertisement or, otherwise, for as long as they remain accessible to the recipients of the service for their effective contracting.

Usage restrictions:

This website is for personal and not for commercial use. Any modification, copying, distribution, transmission, reproduction, publication, marketing, selling or other activity that may be performed with the content of this website, even citing the sources, is prohibited without the written consent of the owner of the site.

The user ensures that he will not make use of this website for any purposes that are illegal or prohibited by these conditions.

Users are expressly prohibited from infringing or endeavouring to infringe the security measures established for the correct operation of the website including, but not restricted to accessing reserved information or data that are not intended for the use of the visitor, sending viruses, the massive delivery of emails (spamming). The violation or attempted violation of the security system or of reserved information will give the owner of the site the right to pursue this activity and demand civil or criminal liabilities, where appropriate.


The owner of the site will not be liable for the information contained in third party pages that may be accessed by hypertextual links (links) located on this website. The existence of the links on this website is for informative purposes only.

Personal data protection:

The owner of the site guarantees compliance with Organic Act 15/1999 on Personal Data Protection and complementary legislation, with regard to the processing of personal data obtained by means of this website.

The confidentiality of user communications via the website is likewise guaranteed.


The owner of the website will not be liable for:

  • Interruptions to the availability of information caused by disconnection from the Internet, network failures, events of force majeure or those not controllable by it.
  • Any damages caused by computer viruses.
  • Any consequences deriving from the improper use by users of the contents of the website.
  • The website service may be interrupted, with justification and without giving rise to any claim by the user, for reasons of security, maintenance, updating or restructuring of the computer resources in order to improve the service.
  • The user is liable for any communications he directs via the website, as well as for any data he submits and therefore, for any consequences that may be generated as a result, for example, of providing false or incorrect data.
  • The owner of the website declines any liability that may arise from the exchange of information among users via the site, as well as for any statements disseminated and which corresponds to those who make them.

Advertising on the website:
If third-party advertising is incorporated into this site by means of banners, links, pop ups, etc., the advertising companies state that they comply with legislation with respect to intellectual and industrial property, whereby they will be the sole parties liable for any images, texts, logos and information contained in such advertising.

Infringement of the conditions:
The owner of the website reserves the right to seek civil or criminal liability from any individuals or bodies corporate that infringe any of the conditions established herein.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:
In general, all relations between the owner of the website and its users and clients, deriving from the contracting of the products and services contained on this website or from the conditions established for the correct use thereof will be governed by Indian law and will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Goa, India.
Jasminn® Hotel and its tag line Stay Your Way®

Jasminn® Hotel and its tag line Stay Your Way® are the Registered Trademarks of Jasminn Hospitality Services Private Limited, under the Trade Marks Act, 1999, Government of India, under Certificate of Registration of Trade Mark, Section 23 (2), Rule 62 (1).

No use, changes, or modifications can be made to the existing logo’s, tag lines, designs, of Jasminn® Hotel and Stay Your Way® without the prior and written consent of Jasminn Hospitality Services Private Limited Any use of the names, logos’, tag lines, in any printed form, matter or otherwise, is strictly prohibited and necessary action will be taken as per law.

Jasminn® Hotel, STAY YOUR WAY®

Jasminn® Hotel

No. 79 Nagvaddo, Betalbatim, Goa 403713, India

+91 9011034044
+91 9167999000
+91 832 3501414